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Reflection & Refraction


Feng Chia University - Spring 2019   

Academic Work - Design Studio
Advisor: Yu-Ting Shen, Shih-Yuan Wang
Team Member: Tsung-Han Tsai, Han Lin, Joseph Wu

Generate transparent objects such as glass and plastic have been established under mature traditional construction methods. Researchers at MIT(2015) have created a novel glass additive manufacturing 3D printing process that utilizes glass for printing material to deliver objects with various transparency. Researchers at EPFL(2012) developed an algorithm to simulate light refraction, calculate the trajectories precisely to form a specific image using CNC washing. Inspired by these projects, this project develops an adaptive robotic light aggregation system, which creates the possibility that an object becomes a light container by utilizing different control variables.

This research is based on the premise of the 3D printing methodology, incorporates the discussion of the immaterial (light) and the material (transparent Polylactic Acid). Through testing various parameters that enable light to contain inside the medium and control the refraction of light and the path of the light. This research proposes a new method to revise light trajectories and reflection and create a unique light atmosphere. Under process, model an adapter that holds the PLA plastic gun and mounts it to the flange of the robotic arm, operating different control variables such as density, layer height, printing path and different light sources, to analyze light imaging under different conditions. Thus, Integrate these conclusions to generate individual light performance.

This research focuses on the effects of light performance caused by reflection, refraction, and light reservation through fabricating transparent PLA(Polylactic Acid) . Based on several control variables, we aim to control the light imaging. Developing a printing system. Utilizing a welding plastic machine combined with 6-axis industrial robotic arm. By experience various types of transparent PLA(Polylactic Acid) to get the most suitable parameters for this printing system. Summarize the parameters of fabricating methods and the light imaging while embodying the unique light effects under this fabricate system.

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